Our Doctors

If you seek to request records from any of the providers listed below, your request for records must be served separately. Every treating facility must be served individually. The following information is provided to help record requesters determine where to request records. The providers named below treat or have treated patients at the following treating locations.

Allen Fonseca, MD

1715 30th Street

Bakersfield, CA 93301

Allen Fonseca, MD

Allen Fonseca, MD

5401 White Ln

Bakersfield, CA 93313

Allen Fonseca, MD

Allen Fonseca, MD

675 N. Park Avenue

Pomona, CA 91768

Allen Fonseca, MD

Allen Fonseca, MD

12241 Industrial Blvd Ste 102

Victorville, CA 92395

Allen Fonseca, MD

Allen Fonseca, MD

15409 Anacapa Road

Victorville, CA 92392

Allen Fonseca, MD

Allen Fonseca, MD

6331 Greenleaf Ave Ste J

Whittier, CA 90601

Allen Fonseca, MD

Allen Fonseca, MD

4781 E. Gettysburg Avenue

Fresno, CA 93726

Allen Fonseca, MD

Allen Fonseca, MD

12446 E. Washington Blvd

Whittier, CA 90602

Allen Fonseca, MD

Record Request Support

If you have questions about our Release of Information Process, or perhaps you have submitted a request for records and wish to obtain additional information, please contact our Support Team at the following email address.


ASF Orthopaedic Medical Group

Orthopedic Surgeon

To request an appointment, please call us at 562-464-3033